Official Website of Author/Singer/Songwriter

Denise D'Angelo Jones
Available on Amazon
July 10, 2023
The Follow-up to
Spanish Influenza
Nineteen Days in 1919

Author Bio
Denise D’Angelo Jones is a chiropractor /certified functional medicine practitioner/personal trainer /personal chef--and award-winning songwriter who recently, dedicated six years of her life to 24/7 dementia care-partnering.
As a freelance writer, Denise has contributed to the Greensboro Herald, the Star Ledger, Today’s Chiropractic, WGUA’s Second Opinion Doctor’s Talk Radio and as a dementia communication blogger/consultant for, “Talk, Walk and Dance Dementia,” and caregiversgetfit.org.
In 2017, Denise wrote a spiritual sci-fi novel called, Crystallina: The Pond of Awakening before writing-- Spanish Influenza: Nineteen Days in 1919. She completed the compilation of the manuscript for, “Henry’s Children and Other Stories” in 2022 while doing research at Oxford University for her dementia communication book, “The Lady With The Purple Hat” which is due to be released in October of 2024.
Musical compositions by Denise D'Angelo Jones, (see live videos below) have been performed by community choirs, churches, Grammy nominated recording artists and university orchestras all over the country.In May of 2023 DDJ released her Jazz EP entitled,”Queens L.I.E.” on bandcamp.com
Denise D'Angelo Jones has been a guest lecturer at colleges across the country on health, wellness and the creative process. She has lectured for the drama department of Wagner College, and has been a return lecturer at MIT in Boston. As a wellness pro, (Denise A. D'Angelo, D.C.) Dr. D. has cared for Academy Award winning film-makers, Tony winning Broadway stars, dancers, actors and musicians. Now she travels internationally consulting and lecturing on dementia prevention, healthy weight loss, stress reduction and brain 2 body healing protocols for healthy aging.
Denise D'Angelo Jones was never one to shy away from interesting adventures. At the age of 19 she spent an entire summer living in a log cabin working on a dude ranch in Saratoga, Wyoming, and met her husband at the age of 23 on the national tour of the Broadway musical, "Annie," where she took the gig as the animal handler for, "Sandy," the dog.
One of Denise's favorite gigs during her twelve year -- gap year from college (before becoming a doctor ), was working as a personal chef on weekends for choreographer, Agnes DeMille. When Denise wasn't cooking for a world famous choreograher, she tended bar by selling beer and Twizzlers at Broadway intermissions in mid-town NYC with Academy Award-winning writer Aaron Sorkin, (A Few Good Men) whom she witnessed several times -right before her eyes-- penning an entire play on a collection of bar napkins.
My Books
(Follow me on Amazon For The Latest News!)

Spanish Influenza: Nineteen Days in 1919
Chrystallina: The Pond of Awakening

Henry's Children and Other Stories

New Release Summer 2024
Dementia Communication and Caregiving Stories!